
Showing posts from August, 2020


 Christ the head  Ephesians 1'20-23 Psalm 148:5-9, 1corithians 6:2-3) What was the purpose that God had in mind when he sent his son into the world? He came to die and rise again. And what was the purpose of that? The most common answer is that he died and rose again to redeem the world John(3:16), 1timothy 1:15). This is true but it is too simplistic in it outlook A. The Church-The Central Object And Goal Of History.  From all eternity God purposed that at a time in the future his son should have an eternal companion, described by John in Revelation as "the bride" the lamb's wife (rev 21:9)  the eternal companion in God's eternal purpose is to share the  bridegroom's throne following the marriage supper of the lamb (rev 3:21)  Jesus came for one intent only one to give birth to his church. 


 For many believers the first idea that comes to there mind when they say our father", is they are part of God's immense family on earth without giving any thought to the fact that Jesus, the son of God, is also included in the family,  if is not in the family then our praying is nothing but religious liturgy, Jesus did not say "your father" b ut encircled us within his heavenly father's loving heart with the words, " our Father".  In  order to have the same personal relationship with the father as Jesus, we must have the same origin, else God couldn't be our father  Read Romans (8:15-17) The main point to remember from these verses are  1. It is because we have received the spirit of adoption that why we can say our father, 2. The holy spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children. God's spirit and his children must have a spiritual origin (John 3:6). Tells us "that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which


 We need to constantly remind ourselves of our identity, this statement of affirmation will help you assimilate the biblical truths we are studying " Because I am a part of Christ, accepted in the beloved, I hold the same place in the father's heart as he does,  because I am a part of I have his Wisdom because he is made wisdom to me. Likewise, I have his righteousness, my righteousness is as good as his in the eyes of the father because it is his righteousness because I am organically part of him because head and body are one unit all that Christ his and has is accredited to me ( Romans 8:3-9). He who did not spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things " AMEN AND AMEN!!  This section ends the topic question "WHO ARE WE? Now we will begin a new topic division tomorrow.


 Christianity is identified with prayer because prayer indicates relationship, communion and service with and to God  there is an awareness  that believers contact God and receive benefit from that contact there are many different classifications of involvement and levels of experience, which can range from shallow to deep. The serious Christian knows that prayer is the oxygen to the spirit, some people prayed and in no distance time their answers smile at them while others spend all day long, weeks, months,  year's, yet no result the difference about this two persons the principles they followed before during and the process of praying  Definition: principles; means moral, belief, and general truth used as bbasis of reasoning.


1.the word of God psalm 119:11 2.The name of Jesus prvb 18:10 3. The Holy Spirit  John 16:13 Character we should possess to maintain a good relationship with others Apology Believing in you Cheerfulness Rom 12:8 Discipline Dan 1:8 Eloquent Est 7:3 Goodness Gal 5:22 Hospitality 1pet 4:9 Investigate  Joyous Kind Love Meekness jam 3:17 Nectar Obedience  Patience James 1:2-4 Quiet Reserved Smile  Truthfulness Unity View Wisdom  X Yieldness Zealousness  Spiritually: they are character you posses that will make it difficult for you to approach God as your father. Mentally ; let the particular attitude or your way of thinking concerning a person or a group of people change postively.


How much you learn when you fail determines how far you will go in creating success. The sooner we stop shaming our failures, the easier it will be to turn them to our are some powerful keys that are very important to think and ponder on them. Some keys that can turn failure into success. 1.Mistakes are not the problem _not learning from them is! Success people experience failures too like every other persons but what make them unique is the awareness of learning from their mistakes so they don't repeat that same blunder. 2.Be careful how you talk to your self, because you are listening! 3.Never let your mistakes define you. is far better to do something imperfectly than to actually do nothing "perfectly". 5.consistent actions creates consistent results. 6. The enemy of success is fear of failure.