You’re The Expression of Your Mind Who you are today is a function of your mind.
Your personality is the expression of the contents and working of your mind. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Your life and the
totality of your personality (how you live, what you do,
the character of your words, etc.) are the expression of.your mind.
Now, God has shown you that you can manage your mind. That means you can work on your mind and change its contents, and that change will show up
in your character and the results you have in life.Managing your mind is the primary principle
for increasing your value, multiplying your success,
upgrading your state, and thus, enlarging your estate.
Sometimes, you may have tried so hard and done all
you thought you knew to do about something, without
much success. What more can you do? Well, why don’t you begin with mind management Can you manage your mind differently regarding that situation? Can you access your mental hard drive to see what
files you need to delete and the new ones you need to download and install? Yes you can, and you should. You can make your
life happier and much more fulfilling by making the right changes in the structure of your thinking.We’ve established an important point here: you can transform your life by changing your way of
thinking, i.e. by renewing—or managing—your mind.


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