
Showing posts from May, 2020


1– DON’T JUDGE u might not understand why something is important to your partner, but the fact that it is important is all that matters. Before you can trust, you must   respect each other and your differences without judgment. 2– BECOME VULNERABLE Be real with your partner and that means sharing things that you often keep hidden. The ultimate sign of trust is living your truth and by doing so your partner will be more comfortable living theirs. 3– BE FORGIVING Trusting doesn’t mean mistakes won’t happen and when they do be forgiving. Holding on to past transgressions will only erode the trust in the relationship. We should feel the ability to make mistakes and so should our partners, without it being a constant source of contention.  Letting go of the hurt,  accepting the apology and moving on builds a trust-based on truth and love. 4– WORK ON YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH We are better people and better in our relationships when we take the time to work on our personal growth. It’s important


Building trust within a healthy relationship happens gradually. How do you know if you should trust someone? This can be a hard question to answer, especially at the beginning of a relationship, but your own instincts about another person and the way they behave over time are two important things to consider when making that decision. Of course, in a healthy relationship it’s important for  both  partners to trust and be trusted, to open up and be vulnerable with each other. Trust can’t be built if only one partner is willing to do this and the other isn’t.  Building trust requires mutual commitment . So, as your relationship progresses, ask yourself: Is My Partner There for Me (and Am I There for Them)?


Man, primarily, has a two fold nature: the outward man and the inward man. In 2 Corinthians 4:16, Paul clearly distinguishes between these two when he said, “For which cause we faint not; but though our OUTWARD MAN perish, yet the INWARD MAN is renewed day by day.” He lets us know there’s an outward man and there’s an inward man.The outward man is the physical body and its five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste). These senses are his medium for relating with his environment. That’s why the human body can only receive information from this world through its five senses. The inward man, however, is the human spirit and his soul (the seat of his mind, will, emotions, reasoning, and intellect). He’s the one the Bible calls “the hidden man of the heart.” He’s not seen with the natural eyes, because he is the “man within the man.” Now, every one of us is a spirit being, and our inward man is the real person living in the physical body. That’s the one who receives Christ’s salvat


Much as the human mind has been explored and discussed, it is yet to be discovered in the laboratory or revealed through scientific experimentation. Indeed, understanding of the mind is not something that even the world’s best scientists, doctors, historians, or philosophers can give, for their finest explanations of the mind are speculatory at best. That’s because the mind is an intangible, spiritual entity, and only God’s Word can shed the best light on it.Hebrews 4:12 tells us:“…the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”This is something the ordinary mind can’t do or give you. It takes the revelation of the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit to make such distinctions between the soul and spirit known. So we will begin with a simple definition of the mind:The mind is the faculty of
Increase Your Value Managing your mind is the primary principle for increasing your value, multiplying your success, upgrading your state, and thus, enlarging your estate. Sometimes, you may have tried so hard and done all you thought you knew to do about something, without much success. What more can you do? Well, why don’t you begin with mind management Can you manage your mind differently regarding that situation? Can you access your mental hard drive to see what files you need to delete and the new ones you need to download and install?Yes you can, and you should. You can make your life happier and much more fulfilling by making the right changes in the structure of your thinking.We’ve established an important point here: you can transform your life by changing your way of thinking, i.e. by renewing—or managing—your mind. But before we delve deeper into the contents of the mind and how to renew it, let us establish an understanding of the mind itself.Much as the human mind has b
You’re The Expression of Your Mind Who you are today is a function of your mind. Your personality is the expression of the contents and working of your mind. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Your life and the totality of your personality (how you live, what you do, the character of your words, etc.) are the expression of.your mind. Now, God has shown you that you can manage your mind. That means you can work on your mind and change its contents, and that change will show up in your character and the results you have in life.Managing your mind is the primary principle for increasing your value, multiplying your success, upgrading your state, and thus, enlarging your estate. Sometimes, you may have tried so hard and done all you thought you knew to do about something, without much success. What more can you do? Well, why don’t you begin with mind management Can you manage your mind differently regarding that situation? Can you access your m


RENEWING YOUR MIND: THE CONCEPT OF MIND MANAGEMENT 1 After you come to Christ, God gives you new ways of thinking about Him, Heaven, yourself, your circumstances, the world around you, and life in general; He gives you new information and shows you how to relate with other people. That’s why Scripture tells us in Romans 12:2, “... be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind….” In other words, “Don’t act like the rest of the world, but be transformed (transfigured, metamorphosed) by renewing your mind, changing your way of thinking, accepting God’s thoughts and opinions, exchanging your ideas for His, and learning to think and talk like Him. But you can’t think like God except you have the right material to think on, which is His Word. God’s words are His thoughts clothed in vocabulary. God has shown us that we can influence our thinking in order to become more productive, successful, and prosperous. You can manage your mind and bring forth excellence, great


  T H E P O W E R O F Y O U R M I N D   we enjoy the full benefits thereof (Romans 10:9-10). In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us about one of the wonderful gifts God gave us and its function; he said, “And be not conformed to this world: but BE