
Showing posts from October, 2020


We have been looking at the will of God from the perspective of it being discovered in the word of God. Yet another doing it perspective must be considered what is the move of God in this generation? We know he is still sending out his people into the entire world to make disciples, he is still saving souls that are lost what God is doing how he is doing it is not the primary concern on the heart of God’s people   One of the most important and crucial discoveries we must make is to find out what God is doing today and become part of it. In this context the only way this s ever known is on the basis of revelation.


Some today take example from the school of the prophets that Saul met, they used stringed instruments to stir up the spirit. When Saul came among them the spirit of God came into him and he prophesied also, so that people thought he too was among the prophets  they tell us today that If we play music we too can see visions, some tells us that we can create visions and words from the spirit realm. But the truth about all this is that the New Testament is the Old Testament conceal and the Old Testament is the New Testament reveal if all your messages does not point to the true God which is to be Christ centered and if you are not Christ centered your message will be of no effect 


 “Wherefore shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my part(psalm 119:9,11:105). That simply means to be full of the word of God is to be full of God. The word is God. The word is spirit and life.
So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. The only way you can truly worship God is know Christ in his fullness everything in the mind of God is Christ.


 .YOUR PASSION FOR GOD.  2.YOUR PRAYER LIFE: Satan has an advantage of age he is very old and he has study man kind  Carelessness is worse than immorality in the spirit. 3.RELATIONSHIPS- he kills your connection to people who has the power to cover up spiritually for your weakness. The beauty of brotherhood is that your discernment are connected. Do all you can to maintain relationship that bless you spiritually.
  Jesus said “you must be born again (john 3:7) why?. because without being born again, the human spirit remain under the control of the devil. Being is a must. The sin of adam made the human race sinners ( Roman 5:14-19). Everyone born into the world was born a sinner. And a sinner cannot help but sin. For this purpose Jesus had to come. When he came, he paid the full price for the redemption of mankind from sin and the punishment of sin. Believe and receive Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour, regeneration of the human spirit takes place.
  Therefore to begin the journey of maintaining sexual purity, one must be born again. The human spirit that has heretofore be dominated by the sin nature must be born anew. The Adamic nature must go. Man must be made a new creation through the new birth before holiness can be set in motion. Some by the virtue of home training and parental upbringing have tried to be sexually clean, but it didn’t work. They found out that there was something in them that keep craving for fleshly satisfaction, and before they knew it, their fleshly desires ruled by their unrenewed mind and unregenerated spirit, rose up and crippled their morality.
  “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (matt 16-19).   “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN” “Therefore if any man be in christ, he is a new creature: old things are past away, behold all thing are become new.          The major reasons for sexual corruption are : 1, Unregenerated spirit 2, Unrenewed mind 3, UNcontrol fleshly appetites


  ONE of the major problems in the world today,especially among young people like me is the issue of sexual immorality. Many young boys and young girls are bound by habits especially the habit of fornication {sex before marriage] most of these young people don’t even know what going on, some found themselves in the mess and don’t know how to get out.This book will show you how. I believe that as you read this book with an open heart, God will speak to your heart and show you step to sexually purity. You will learn how win the battle of sexual immorality. And your life will never be the same again. God bless you
  ONE of the major problems in the world today,especially among young people like me is the issue of sexual immorality. Many young boys and young girls are bound by habits especially the habit of fornication {sex before marriage] most of these young people don’t even know what going on, some found themselves in the mess and don’t know how to get out.This book will show you how. I believe that as you read this book with an open heart, God will speak to your heart and show you step to sexually purity. You will learn how win the battle of sexual immorality. And your life will never be the same again. God bless you.