
Showing posts from September, 2020


 The issue for those world view is warfare is not what is right and wrong for its own sake, not truth, but they are caught at and how they can benefit. Eye service remains the life style of such people and appeasement of anger of the one they perceive as the threat, rather than repentance. Along with this comes a type of old testament culture of sacrifice and works, which is the culture of animism. They have religion of works, of overcoming by long prayers and fasting and all night, battling against spiritual forces. People think God is like a man who is satisfied with gifts and will then show favour. This has nothing to do with New creation life. In the new creation God is appeased by the blood of his son. All he requires from us is that we love him and do what is right.


 When we come to christ we cannot bring our former view into Christianity. If we continue in a Satan-centric view of salvation. That jesus came to give us victory over Satan. Then we will carry over the same animistic values into our christian life. In essence there will be no transformation of life. Character and culture. This is how many can be in the church but the people and the city will not change. We need a biblical word-view, not only on sundays but in everything we do. That affect our whole life style. Ou can go to a christian church that believes God’s word on sundays and then go to a deliverance center to here a soul called prophet who promises you safe delivery in birth on another day. The problem is that you still have two world views biblical theology has not yet permeated your whole life. 


  “Wherefore shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not seen against thee. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my part(psalm 119:9,11:105). That simply means to be full of the word of God is to be full of God. The word is God. The word is spirit and life.


  We must remember that one of the primary purpose of bible study is to change our lives, not just increase our knowledge! You have not truly studied the bible until you have applied it yourself scripture tells that God wants us to be “doers of the world and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:21). Therefore make one of the application of truth one of your main goals in studying the bible. The bible is a vast store house of inexhaustible riches already given to us by God. If the universe the word of god is eternal


 Your word is a lamp unto my feet is like fire in our bones.
  In animism power is what works. What you can get away with any deception. There is no truth, but how something affects you is what matters in animism truth is determined by the effect of something has on you. Whether it prospers you. And not by whether it is true in itself. This is why someone can call themself christian and cheat in examination and at the market. Christian soteriology says no power will deliver you. Nobody gets to heaven by power. People only go to heaven when jesus sets them free from sin and death by a gift of grace. In christainity  truth is what God says it is. It does not change.
  We should not have a satan centred sotcriology means the study of salvation and deliverance. The first aspect of soctriology haS TO DO WITH SIN, NOT TO DO WITH SATAN. We are saved from satan because we are saved from sin. Jesus came to save us from our sin . that is. The problem was sin. Not the devil. Jesus dealing with the devil was secondary, not the primary issue. In animism and in native theology satan is the primary issue This makes appeasement of spirits. Power, fear and manipulation, the main issue is religion. Rather than truth, honesty and faith
  God does not save you and expect you to sanctify yourself. It is not half God then half you. God does It all. That is the Gospel. It is not half faith and the rest works. It is all faith. We walk in holiness because we are sanctified once at salvation by the blood of christ.  Any other teaching is a denial of the full work of Christ. Some people have a foul "Gospel" thank God they are saved but why do they then turn to works. The  same power that saves you also sanctifies you. That is the full Gospel. Get delivered  Therefore preach the Gospel. Preach the new birth. Preach deliverance from sin and new life. Do not preach spiritual warfare. Satan is not the problem. You are deceiving people if you tell them Satan is their problem. You are playing to their fears. f rom works and from fighting the devil


  The Devil cannot make you sin.if you commit formication it is not because a demon made you do it. It is not because of witchcraft. It is not because of friends. It is because of your own lust. "But each one is tempted when he is led away by his desires and enticed" James 1:14) So the main issue in salvation is that we are saved from sin. We are forgiven of sin an also delivered or sanctified from the power of sin. This is salvation. This is the focus. victory over Satan is secondary. Meaning it is a result of being saved from sin. You don't need to trouble yourself about the devil. When Jesus saves you from sin you are also delivered from the power of Satan.


  We know that through death Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death. That is,the devil but this destruction of the devil was the secondary effect of the death  of Jesus on the cross. Satan had the power of death because of our sin. (1cor 15:56). Jesus came to put away sin. And she will bring forth a son.And you will call his name jesus, for he will save his people from there sin "matt 1:21) So we don't need a devil centred faith. We need a God centred and obedience centred faith. When we walk with God he deals with the devil on our behalf. People who say they get there prosperity by defeating the devil are telling lies. If you don't understand that th not your problem. You will never find your solution. You will be pursuing the devil up and down when it is entirely not necessary